Since 2010, we have found at 21 rue du Dragon in the 6th arrondissement a boutique called Artling which is in the image of its creator: classic but full of surprises! Trained at the National Federation of Master Tailors of France, Martial Arnaud offers made-to-measure shirts and suits. Here we find beautiful English and Italian fabrics and a choice of linings from the wisest to the most eccentric. In a very British decor , it also offers a nice selection of accessories. These include a few underwear, beautiful belts and suspenders that are rarely seen elsewhere. For a few months now, Artling has also offered a jacket specially designed and designed for globetrotters. which looks very much like what one might consider the perfect jacket for traveling. Here is our test!

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Very often, the formal costume, the one that one will wear out of professional obligation, is frowned upon. Unfairly relayed to the simple work uniform, he refrains from all kinds of fantasies and only stops at three shades: navy blue, gray and brown. However, it is quite possible to combine pleasure and professional outfit, the key is knowing how to choose the pieces that make up said outfit. The one where our attention must begin is without a doubt the jacket (or the blazer). Personally, I have a weakness for double-breasted jackets, which bring that elegant / relaxed side that I particularly appreciate. For 15 years now, Anthony Boyspecializes in the production of costumes and designs, of course, crossed blazers. I was able to test one of his models, named Lamartine, here is what I thought:

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